


Note Taking

                NOTE: Notes are kept in digital format

                            but are structured to mimic this paper format.

            •   Thoughts are divided into categories.

            •   An accordion file is made out of  envelopes with the flaps cut off.

            •   An 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper is cut into fourths to form 3-inch tall strip-notes.

            •   One thought is written per strip-note.

            •   The strip-notes are then placed into their envelopes.

            •   Writing the notes places the problem in the subconscious.

            •   The subconscious has no sense of time or order,

                 so notes emerge from the mind in a random fashion.

            •   Pieces may emerge days, weeks or even months later.

                 NOTE: That is why notes are kept in a modular fashion

                              rather than in a linear notebook fashion

                              so common in the old-style lab method.

            •   Spaces between thoughts fill themselves in over time as ideas develop.

            •   Notes are occasionally merged and tossed in a distilling process.

            •   Note writing takes place on a different day than note critiquing.

            •   Writing is more right-brained while critiquing is more left-brained

                 so these functions are kept well apart.

            •  Eventually thoughts become complete ideas

                 and are then transformed into a linear documentation.

            • The documentation process exposes any holes which are then plugged

                 or question-notes are filed to create plugs later.

            • The document is then shared for a group critique.

            • Outside experts are then brought in to help fill in any remaining holes.

            •   Associates are brought in as needed on a per-project basis.

                They are provided both anonymity and a piece of the pie.

                As a result, IDS-R gains easier access to better talent.

            •   When all details are filled in and anticipated questions are addressed

                 the document becomes ready for "prime-time".

             •  It is then reviewed for transfer to IDS-Development

                for Tech-Transfer marketing functions.


•  The more Web centered IDS is,

    the less face-to-face and the more mind-to-mind the process becomes.

    Associates have independence within this flexible association.

    This flexible association makes sharing and brainstorming more natural.

    It also allows people to remain anonymous.

    Privacy has become a cornerstone of our associate relationships.

Project Requests

•  We accept project requests.

    Simply email IDS-R and describe the project that you would like us to tackle.




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        Div-1  (Architecture)

               •  Lot-Rise


        Div-3  (Mechanical)

               •  Brakes  (liquid cooled)

  1. Engine  (VDC)

  2. Tire  (airless)

        Div-4  (Ground Transport)

  1. ATV  (snow / water / dirt)

  2. Campers

  3. Roadster  (on-off road)

  4. Wheelchair  (propulsion)

        Div-7  (Essentials)

  1. Shoe  (temp control)

        Div-9  (Air / Water Transport)

  1. •  Aircraft  (ultralight)

  2. •  Motor-Sail Boat

        Div-12  (Business)

               •  Patent Law Flaws