Commercialization Phase
• IDS was planning to go commercial and offer investment in September 1999.
The Security Commission's rules blocked us then
because IDS-Development needed a track record of sales and earnings
in order to be allowed to "go public",
yet IDS needed capital infusions in order to take the technologies
from IDS-Research and transfer them to IDS-Development
for the tech-transfer / marketing phase.
• They also wouldn't let IDS openly offer private investment to anyone
who wasn't "wealthy" .... They call it Regulation-D.
• Regular people, not the wealthy, supported IDS's work all those many years
and IDS was not about to betray their efforts.
It took quite a while to figure a way to involve those kind of people,
without breaking the rules.
• IDS had to make a project out of it,
which has led to our introducing a new way of investing
in what I call a "Fractional Funding" ( an inside-out mutual fund ).
It is a structure that enables members who contribute
either talent, equipment or funding to invest in parts of a company,
such as individual project(s) and/or a product(s)
either thru a ratio'd payback or a choice of future shares.
IDS Objective
• Having experienced a traditional research and development environment,
IDS wanted to create a creativity-model which solved the problems found
within those traditional structures.
• IDS started as a project as much as any of my projects within IDS.
It began for the purpose of innovation and invention
to help people solve problems and build ideas.
The idea was to create a think-tank to serve as a design nursery.
• IDS needed a steady flow of projects so dry times don't strain the company.
By having a dynamic portfolio of work-in-process,
IDS shall always have projects in each stage of completion
and so IDS will always have something to do.
IDS can't risk having resource idle.
• Structured functions ( Legal, Accounting, Engineering .... )
are kept away from creative functions.
They conflict with each other,
in that the creative process can often be short-circuited
by the structured functions.
IDS Purpose
• The purpose is to easily help thoughts .... become ideas .... become reality
within a structure that helps develop ideas in an atmosphere
where brainstorming can be natural, free-flowing, yet secure.
IDS Method
• The IDS-Research project is to provide online invention brainstorming
within the framework of the Internet.
This provides the flexible mind-to-mind associations,
that makes sharing and brainstorming more natural.
• The IDS-Research process is done often without direct pay.
Most members offer talent, equipment or funds
for a choice of future equity or a direct payback ratio.
• Although IDS-Research is not-for-pay,
the purpose of each project is to become it's own profit-center
thru IDS-Development.
Project Objectives
• A successful technology should not impose itself upon people,
but instead work comfortably, quietly and seamlessly at people's side.
• A successful technology should accomplish its goals
using as few parts, especially moving parts, as possible
and should be simple and intuitive to assemble, disassemble and maintain
even by the user.
Project Types
1. A new project first goes thru a probationary period
where its feasibility is determined.
2. If secrecy is not required, it then proceeds to the "open phase"
in which members of IDS-Research may contribute talent, funds or equipment
toward individual projects.
3. If secrecy is essential, the project may remain closed
and thus internal to IDS-Research.
4. Some projects are outside .... consultation projects
are rarely available for contributions
because talent, equipment and funding is most often provided by the client.
If aspects are jobbed out, they may be available to members.
Design Consulting
( IDS-C provides initial design solutions for Clients.)
• handle entire projects at a design level.
• extra input toward existing projects.
• provide initial design solutions.
• set solution directions for new projects.
• refine existing designs.
IDS's Birth Process
• Starting in 1985, for 22 years, 16-18 hours a day ..... and the marathon continues.
IDS could not have done this much production
had it not been for the intensity, concentration and determination of that choice.
• Twenty five years later and 136 projects later ( dozens close to release),
IDS has the war-chest needed to confidently enter the commercialization phase
thru IDS-Development.
© 1985 - 2012 Erik, All rights reserved
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